Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tarot for Love & Relationships. Discover Your Future Now!

Hello Lovely People,

Here I am again ready to share more of my wisdom , experiences and research about the relationship and dating issues with all of you.

As many of you already know, I am a tarot reader and numerologist. However, more than anything I am a relationship and dating specialist. So, what I'll like to do when someone comes to me for help and they are in the middle of a situation its to first clarify what is really going in her /his relationship.

How? Well, I will like to take the time to dig into your relationship or dating life from the beginning, from the day you both meet. By doing this, I can easily see what the patterns really are, how the relationship  startup from the beginning and how it develop during the time together.

Once I have requested enough valuable information about what's going on between the two of you. Once I get to understand the dynamics of your date or relationship than I can give you the best solution that will  best fit you. I am one of those that don't like to create dependency with my clients which mean I am not a psychologist, I don't give advice or want you to sit around for years in my consulting and nothing really moves.

My approach is more based in energy than it is in mental problems. I work with the feminine and masculine side we both sexes have. My work it's not based on gender either. It is about knowing what part of you is matting when dating or relating, My work is about giving you the best tips and tools to get you to be in a better position you are now.

My work is about helping you understand why things are happening the way they are in your relationship right now and from here show you the options you really have, instead of telling you what to do. At the end only you can choose the direction you want to take according to what I will present you about your love life. The results you might get will depend on whether or not you follow and listen what's in front of you. I can't guarantee you to get the girl or guy back... but I can promise you I will get you do your 50% correctly so you won't have regrets in the future. I will also help you not to keep losing yourself over and over. I will help you keep your integrity while in the process of finding the best solution. Remember " My Approach Works "

After I'll get the chance to look into your relationship from the start, from the day you both meet, then, I can ask my cards about your partner's mind and heart and the possibilities you might have in the future with him or her. My cards usually tell me things about your inner world as well as your lover.   I can easily see whether or not there is more people involve or what could really happen from here.

I am having a lot of success with this approach, with this combination of using my tarot cards and clarifying your real issue in your romantic life. I will recommend you to take a look at my email questions services I offer. So, you can better profit of my work and insight.

So go to or email me

See you next week!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Love and Career Email Tarot. Tarort Reading Secrets

Are you wondering about your future? are you looking for some clarity in your personal life? Do you want to know whether this will or not be a good year for you to get married or open a business? These and many other questions can be addressed in a simple email. Have your question ready, email it to me at with your full name and date of birth and get a minimum of 2000 characters (maximum 3000 characters) in less than 48 hours for only $19.99 or get three questions for a minimum of 3000 characters (maximum 4000 characters) for only $ 29.99.

Take advantage of this great opportunity, you can choose your question an get a tarot reading full spread,  a numerology chart, a career advice or even a relationship and dating consultation just from the comfort of your home. Remember, if your concern is about love you will need to explain in your email the history of your situation in details from the day you both have meet. Here is an example of what I will need from you,

- How did you guys meet ?

- Who talk first ?

- Tell me about your previous relationship before you guys meet? When did your last relationship ended for the day you both meet? Why? Who left who? What was the last thing you both said to each other? when it's the last time you spoke with your ex? what was the reason for you or him to reach out ? Who calls who?

- How fast did you have sex with your new guy/girl, have fast you had sex with your previous one?

- What's your relationship status at the moment, are you still married, separate, divorce, single, open relationship, serious relationship, dating around, etc.

- Tell me about some negative patterns that you have observed in your partner? Did he /she has always have them? When did those patterns start showing up?

Note. Any information about your dating or relationship history that's is been kept away might result in not helping you get you the right results. If you really want my help, knowledge, experience, tips , tools and more.... I need your honest. I am here to help you out, I am not here to judge you, I am not a moralist either.

I can't guarantee you, you will get the girl or guy of your dreams, however, I will help you do your 50% correctly so you won't have future regrets, I will make sure you don't keep losing yourself in the process either. Remember , My Approach Works!

For payments about my services, you will need a Paypal account. So, have your email Paypal ready so I can send you an invoice to answer your one question or three questions. Please before booking your email answers think about whether you need more than one question or not from me. If you send two questions and you are paying for one, you will ONLY get an answer, I will only answer the first question. So, do yourself a favor and invest a little more into your future in order to get the CLARITY you need. Emails can be in English or Spanish either way.

Here are some of client's testimonials about my work,


Had a great reading from her. She pointed out things I didnt realize I was doing and somethings she said would happen have already started happening. I will be coming back to her again soon, just wanted to thank you and I know things will work out the way she said as long as I keep doing as I am

She is perfect, absolutely amazing. She is very real and wanted help all her heart. She is doing her work with passion and wisdom and with her great talent to see things right. Lot of knowledge in reading. I am very satisfied about reading with her. Thank you very much!

Hey Elena, thank you for the great reading. You went into great details on figuring out my problems and how to solve them. I'm glad we were on the same page :) I'll come back and give you an update on how things are going on

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tarot Reading Secrets -- 3 Card Tarot Can Show You The Way.

Hello lovely people and welcome back to my posts. Here I am, ready to share more of my never ending education here on Earth. As many of you already know about me,  I am an International relationship and dating specialist. People from all over the world came to me for guidance about their personal issues at home and/or career.
Today, I will like to talk about how to find guidance in your everyday life, for instant one thing I personally like to do with my cards, is to focus on a question earlier in the day and pull 3 cards. One thing I have learned about the cards and their magic, is that we no always going to find the answer to our preoccupations the way we want it. The cards have their own way. You need to trust their power, you need to trust their guidance. If you ask about romance and they are talking about money or mental blockages so then you know what the priorities for you that day should be according to the cards.

One thing I usually do after all my disappointment with my questions and not quite getting what I am expecting from them, it's just to let the cards reveal themselves to me in their own way. I let them show me what I need to know, what I have to work on. My own desperation sometimes makes me want more out of them and then I might put 3 more cards to see whether or not I am missing something. Well, I want to recommend you not to insist more than twice on getting an answer about the same questions, let them be for what they are at least for the moment.

Romance, its another area in which I myself have found a lot of great insight, I have seen through them whether or not someone was good or bad for me as well as their potential. However, I do want to make clear to all of you that doing a reading about relationships or dating it is not good enough if you are dealing with a situation where you have to make certain changes in order to get better results.

People want to believe that just because they had a great connection with someone, that might mean something else, when the cards don't show that to be the case I then know I have to use my relationship and dating tips and tools to help them see what the cards CAN'T show them. So, what is it that I am learning by mixing my cards with my studies in relationship and dating? Well, that if you are not ready to find out the whole truth about your situation then you won't get the best of it.

Come to me for a reading , come for advice on your relationship or dating situation with an open heart, with a heart that wants to get it right. Do yourself a favor so you can be in a better position you are now.

I will recommend you all, to read some of my testimonials and consultations about relationship and datinng challenges, so you can have a better idea about my work.  Find out what is it about me and what I do that can help you out. You won't regret! and remember " My approach works! "

For information about some of the packages I offer in my consultations including Tarot reading. Please visit me at

My rates are very affordable so... you can have the opportunity to get some valuable information.
and remember.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tarot and Psychology: Spectrums of Possibilities At Your Hands...

Good Morning World,
Good Evening World,

Here I am, ready to share more interesting stuff I myself have been learning through my never ending education here on Earth. Well, lately I have been combining my knowledge, studies and experiences in dating and relationship challenges with the sacred wisdom my tarot cards have been showing me

The more I work in combination with them, the more I get to understand the deep spiritual possibility of human experiences to the point of even feel some kind of connection with the Universe, like as if information was been whispering in my ears. To be honest with  you, I never really thought I was going to use my mystic, spiritual side with my rational, scientific part in me. I always knew I was extremely in touch with the subconscious part in us ( the part we hardly ever use). I have always been very sensitive to people's energies since I was a little girl. I had some quite interesting experiences with revelations in my life that did make me trust of some type of Universal law or power that was definitely working through me,.

Now my days, I am offering tarot readings in my Consultations on dating and relationship issues, I do know that some people are skeptical and they have the right , I can totally understand it. However, if I was you, I will give it a chance with an open heart and see what happen.

When someone for example comes to me with the attitude of me having to prove something, I know already that they are going to be trouble maker. Already there I feel my energy shuting down and I know I can't do a reading for this person, because they are not only try to challenge me BUT  they want to prove me wrong. Which translate it in my own words as " It is too much work for me " . So I will rather let the person go, then letting myself lose my psychic energy at that moment and the ability to tap into the unknown.

I also know that there are a lot of lovely Souls out there open and vulnerable to find some answers. They want to feel better, they need some assurance or clarity and here is where the cards can do MAGIC , here is where my tips and tools in relationship and dating can reach out into their subconscious and see what the real issue is. The master and the guidance you need it is always operating through me when you open up for it, when you let the truth shine through me to you.

So for information about some of the packages I offer in my consultations including Tarot reading. Please visit me at

My rates are very affordable so... you can have the opportunity to get some valuable information.
and remember MY APPROACH WORKS!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tarot Readings Secret - Your Future Can Be Revealed to You

Hello Everybody!

Here I am, happy to be with all of you sharing some of my knowledge and experience about my never ending dedication to the human's relationship dilemma. So here is a question many of you have been asking me. What could the tarot card do for me? How do I know whether or not something in my life will or not work? In my own experience with all the issues and challenges I am constantly being bombarded I have found a lot of hope and I lot of clarity. In many cases for instant, I even didn't want to believe what the cards were showing me, however, with time I did see that they were right.

So what could you expect out of a reading? what could you expect from my relationship and dating tips and tools?  First, you need to be realistic with whatever situation you might be caught up which is not an easy task.  I know sometimes we want the cards to show us or tell us what we wish for the answer to be. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work like that, sometimes what you want and what the cards want you to know my work or be in sync. So other times, I do see that no matter how many times I ask the same questions in different ways, the answer is always the same ( which is to say, maybe it it's not what you were expecting). My advice to you is to be open with what a reading is offering to you TODAY, and I say today in uppercase because as you change the cards do change too. So a reading today my be very different from a reading tomorrow. So please keep that in mind.

Another great tool I have been using when my costumers are dealing with a relationship or dating issues, is to bring them my knowledge and experience in how to get better results in their immediate situation.
I do see that for some people it is hard to cope or to understand why things are not working out. I do understand that when it comes to romance, we want to feel special, we want to be the ONE and ONLY ONE.

However, in order for that to happen you need to know how to do your 50% correctly. Which means, you need to know how the other person will think and feel about what you are doing. You need to be able to take responsibility for your actions whether the other person chooses to be or not with you.

That is another blog for me to write, for now let's concentrate on this issue ( your 50%) . First, you need to get your part RIGHT. Don't get me wrong, what I am asking you, it is not an easy thing to do. I myself have failed many times, However, the point is to keep trying, to keep wanting to do your 50% so, if things don't end up working out between the two of you, at least you know you did your part.

The question is? how do you know you have done it correctly? Well, look for the results you are getting, ask yourself this simple question, Is my approach working out for me so far? and if the answer is NO. THEN you need someone like me, who could show you, why it is not working and how to make it happen. I am extremely good with what I do BUT in order for me to help you help yourself I will need your truth desire to make the proper changes in you. So , I want you to think about my words. about whether or not you are ready to find out what need to be done.

The bottom line it's the fact that the combination of my cards with my tools and tips on dating and relationship issues. DO WORK. So get yourself the pleasure to have a reading with me and take advantage of my wisdom. You won't regret!

For a private reading with me, you can check my web and you can choose whether or not you will like to book through some of the packages I do offer or check me on Oranum everyday after 5pm (PACIFIC TIME).! You could see me alive and pay for their rates per minute or book me through Skype with my own rate base on 40mint. or 1h or 2h. In both cases, you will see me alive, the only difference is that if you book  me on my web you will save money and get more minutes

To watch some of my work, visit me on YouTube  My videos on relationship and dating issues are in English and Spanish.

See you soon...

And remember " My approach works!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

How to Find Clarity to Your Everyday life's Issues?

Hello World!

This is Elena Burnett, as some of you already know me, I am a Relationship and Dating Specialist with more than 20 years of experience working with men and their romantic issues at home. I have been trained to be in my masculine side when I give consultations about relationship or dating issues. Today, I work with women, helping them understand how different we are mentally and at heart then most  men are. I help women understand how most men think and operate when it comes to relationships or dating.

I am still also working with men as I have always done, helping them to better relate to the opposite sex.
I personally like to combine my tarot cards with my knowledge, studies, research, experience, etc. in relationship/ dating challenges or career decisions. This combination allows me to go more deeply into the subconscious OT my clients and find what the real issue is.

I am very good with what I do, I can help you find clarity in your situation, I can give you the best tips and tools to navigate the dating arena. I can help you keep your relationship or leave it if that is what you need. My philosophy is to keep people together. I work with energy, since men and women are androgynous by nature, I am more concern with the ways in which to complement both sexes so they can create a more harmonious life together.

Here is one of many testimonials about my tarot reading.


WOW!! I am amazed by this reading that Elenaburnett gave me. This was my first reading with her and she read my situation so completely and accurately. She had no idea how accurate she was until I explained to her my story and I was literally retelling what she already said. She is very well connected to her cards and I will definitely use her again! I highly recommend her!

Here is what people say about my work as a Relationship and Dating Specialist. 

"Using the tools Elena taught me during our consultation, I was able to arrange a meeting with my boss and negotiate the terms of my employment. Not only did I professionally and confidently outline exactly what I wanted from my job, I was also able to come to an agreement for Professional Development which has since seen me promoted - and enjoying a pay rise! Now I love going to work now and am able to communicate effectively with my peers to do the best job I can do. Thank you Elena!" 

Mary  Melbourne (Australia).

For a Private Consultation with me or for our special packages please visit me at

or email me at

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Discover the Answers to Your Life Issues, Discover How To Find The Right Solution.


How many of you are wondering about your career, about your love life, about your destination or financial situation? Well let see, If you are like me, you probably have a lot of going on in your mind and the truth is that sometimes it is hard to find the right answer. Especially when you are all concern and with fears and worries like most of us are.
So, what could you do when you happen to be the one caught up in a cross road situation? Do you give up? Do you keep trying to figure things out? or Do you look for some help outside yourself in order to find clarity? I, myself have found some release to my everyday concern through my cards.

I know some of you my be a little sketical about them. I actually don't blame you, why would you trust them?  To be perfectly honest in most of the readings I have conducted I have found that most people did agree with what the cards where showing me. So I will invite you to considerate the possibility of finding comfort and some clarity through them.

Now, how could that be possible? How could you find ilumination through them,?  To tell you the truth they are MAGICAL. Why? lets take for instant my case, I am a relationship and dating specialist which mean I help people with their issues at home whether you happen to be in a new relationship or together for long time.

 My job is to keep people together, however, sometimes I don't have as much information as I will like to have from my clients. It is true that most of them will share with me their situation at home to some degree BUT in many cases, they usually don't actually tell me what it's underneath. I can totally understand how scary that could be, to open up to a total stranger.  However, when I do add my cards into my consultations about relationship and dating issues VOILA I suddenly get to go deeper and deeper into the subconscious of my clients and find the real issue, the real concern, the real wound..

So If you want to find clarity, if you want to walk into the right path I will recommend you to do what I have done for myself. Go to someone like me. for instant don't go to anyone,. come to me and bring me your issue and let me see what is in the cards for you. Let me show you the right approach with my tips, tools , experience, studies and the guidance of the Universe through my cards. I know with my help you will transform yourself into a better YOU and always remember that " My Approach Works!

For a private consultation about your situation and/or a tarot reading. Contact Elena at or visit her at for prices and packages.