Friday, January 11, 2013

10 Reasons For Not Having An Affair With a Married Man

I had a dream last night with a beautiful stranger with whom I had a great connection. The truth is that it feels so real that for a moment I thought I was having an affair. It took me 30 minutes to realize what was going on!

This dream actually took me back to 6 years ago, to a time when I had an affair. I had a partner (the same one I have today), however I never thought it was an affair. The truth is that myself and the other man both had a life apart from each other - we both were in very serious long term relationships. 
This new person was younger than me, much younger. I won't give a lot of details about him for respect of his privacy. The affair didn't really last but the damage did and when he left I had to deal with the mess...
I don't regret any mistakes i have made in my past. Things happen for a reason. Today, I will think twice before putting myself in a situation like that again. It is just not worth it.

Because of my own experiences, studies and research, I decided to share with you 10 reasons I have found for NOT putting yourself in the same situation I did.

1. He will just move on.
An affair doesn't mean as much for a man at it does for a woman.

2. He will keep you a secret.
To protect himself from being caught, he will make sure not to have any proof of your existence.

3. He won't take you in public.
In case someone sees him.

4. He will make you feel like a princess.
Just to get laid.

5. He will brag about you as if you were a trophy.
To boost his self esteem and make him look good around his friends.

6. He will make no promises even though he did work hard to seduce you.
He will play the cool guy, as if nothing has really happen.

7. He will try to buy you, in order to keep you quiet. 
You might hear a phrases like "Is there anything i can do for you?". Really??? After having played with my feelings, that is all you can do. That is a good one.

8. He will tell you all the things you want to hear.
He will talk a lot about feelings however his actions will not follow.

9. He will go back to his partner as if nothing happen.
You will be just a flame for him. Nothing more.

10. He will never contact you again.
Only if he is in town and he has nothing more to do.

If you are still thinking about having an affair after reading my 10 reasons for not doing it,  think twice - it is not worth it. What you have with your partner, this new person will never be able to offer you. The new person, is just that... new, unknown, exciting. Sooner of later the flame will dissipate in him.  Don't waste your time, don't put your heart in a situation that is not going anywhere. Don't let him seduce you to get his needs meet.

For Private Consultation about your relationship or dating issues, please email me at

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