Wednesday, February 13, 2013

4 Ways In Which To Deal With Your Guy's Short Coming?

When we talk about men and women in relationships we are talking about energy, both having feminine and masculine aspects within themselves. In every relationship then, there are four distinct sides interacting.  Some men are more comfortable in their creative, feeling side and others, more comfortable in their logical, rational side.  No matter which energy you happen to gravitate towards, they are both acceptable as long as you are clear in which you is doing the mating. These energies are not based in gender or sexual proclivity.  Just because a man is more comfortable being in his passive, feminine side doesn't make him gay.

You can also find men who fluctuate back and forth between being very creative and very logical.   This group is called the "Alpha ". They think and feel at the same time. Any of these three type of men I have mentioned above are all perfectly fine and acceptable. The point is that you as a woman will need to know what type of man it is that you are dealing with. The more your energy compliments your partner's, the better chance you have to avoid unnecessary conflict.

In the States for example, we can easily find more "Beta" men than we will find in countries as Spain, Italy or Greece where men are born more alpha.

Let me go one step back and explain what an alpha or beta person is. An alpha man is a man who will feel and think as he wishes. He will play both roles depending on the situation.
A beta man is a man who will either be only in his feeling mind or be only logical mind. He is just one track and lacks the ability to freely go back and forth. We find this type of men in the Anglo-Saxon culture.

The men I am going to talk about today are the men who are overly masculine in their energy. However, I want to make clear that being in your masculine side doesn't make you more of a man. It can actually making you more rigid, stubborn and hard to deal with. When a man is not really balanced within his two energies, meaning the feminine and masculine aspect of his essence, he can be very short in his approach. If you are dating or are in a relationship with this type of men, you will need to know a couple of things about him so you can better deal with his personality.

The 4 Signs To Look For.

a) He Just Wants To Be Right,
A man in his masculine energy will not accept your comments or suggestions. He just wants you to be passive and listen to him. Let him get his point across and then move on. If you don't move on, he will keep escalating.

b) Understand and Validate His Frustration,
If you can just agree with what he is feeling, he will probably let it go and move on.

c) He Becomes To Difficult To Talk To,
Leave him alone to deal with his moods. Don't engage, just go for a 30 minute walk. That will do.

d) Don't Take It Personal,
If he is not being disrespectful with you, don't take on his problems and make them yours.

You don't need to be a doormat when he becomes competitive nor do you need to match his level of competition.  All you need to do is to let him come down on his own.  If you choose to face him, you will feed him and he will have the perfect excuse to keep going on. Understand that at the moment he becomes difficult he is not in his mind.  Rather he is just feeling his feeling, then reacting and then thinking instead of feeling his feeling, then thinking what he wants or doesn't want and then responding.

If he has a 51% worth to you even on a bad day, keep him. Love doesn't come easy. Think if you can accept his behavior today or if you would rather reject it. However, don't tolerate.  Don't go back and forth between accepting and rejecting him.  Make up your mind.  If you ruminate on your decision you will release cortisol in your system and damage yourself.

These 4 steps are easy to follow and are just some of the things you can do to avoid confronting your partner. If you want to learn how to express yourself in a non-threatening way and coming to terms with what you are willing to accept or reject about his behavior, I can show you the way.

For Private Consultation Please email me at
or visit me at


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