Monday, November 19, 2012

The 6 Secrets Men Keep Away From Women

Men in general are not so different from women, they also want to be loved and understood. However, society has always played a big role in how women and men are supposed to be or act.

From a young age, little boys get mixed messages. They are encouraged on one side to compete, to excel, to win and at the same time we want them to not show any type of aggression when around family members, work, or in public places. These young boys are rewarded when they are performing according to our standards and put down when they show any type of emotion. Emotions are then seen as a weakness of character, something that can't be shared with others. When these boys turn into men, we find out that many of them don't really know how to relate to their women. They either treat their woman as a mother figure or they directly ignore her needs completely.

To help a man to come out of his cave, he needs to feel safe.  However, even though many women complain about their man not being able to share his feelings, most women are not really ready for the truth. The truth is that you might not like him sharing and that his sincerity of heart might push you away.

So here are the major areas in which men keep secrets.

1. Their need for their father's love and admiration.
Men in general really need their father's validation so they can be free to love unconditionally.

2. Their desire for friendship and support from other men.
Men need male friends, someone to connect with and open up to when things gets rough, someone they can count on.

3. Their attachment to their jobs as their ultimate goal. 
Many men will lose themselves in their job; their jobs can easily became their identity.

4. Their real truth about their dependency on women. 
Most men have an unresolved attachment issue that started up with their mothers. This is something they will need to face in order to have a better relationship with their women in their life.

5. Their anger toward women.
Men can easily develop anger toward women for having to be responsible for them in exchange for sex and support. This is something they will keep hiding within themselves.

6. Men's denial of their right to feel uncertain, fearful or hurt.
When in pain men will show their feelings with madness and anger instead of talking directly about what is that they are feeling.

This information is based on research, studies and my own experiences from men with whom I have personally helped and discussed this.

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