Friday, October 5, 2012

Why Your Relationship iIs Not Working?

What is wrong with you? 

Why don't relationships end up as we had expected them to?  What is the secret behind a good relationship? How do people stay married without hating each other?
How many times have you questioned whether or not you were doing the right thing, whether or not you were with the right person, whether or not all your needs are being meet in your relationship?  And even if you have asked these questions, then why is the relationship still not working for you? 

Most of us at some point have experienced the wonderful feeling of meeting someone special, when everything around us looks better and everything seems magical...until the day we wake up from our dream. The person we thought he or she was, now seems different. The things we used to like about
him/her now aggravates us. What the @&%$# happened? 

First I would like to let you know that it is possible to keep the mystery, the desire and the love for your partner. The question is how!  It's all possible... if you are willing to make the effort. 

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind about why relationships don't work in general. 

Let's start from the beginning, when your first met and fell in love with each other. What is it about a person we hardly know (in the early stages) that gives us butterflies in our stomach?  Keep in mind that not knowing everything about this new person is what make us wanting more. 

One of the secrets of having a healthy, long-term relationship is based on " keeping some distance" ! You need some distance between the two of you in order to want to be close. This is the only way we can really appreciate the other person's company.

You also need to find ways to release your stress without expecting your partner to be the only source of support. I know this one can be a little hard.  However, try to find something you would like to do on your own. Remember there has to be an 'I' in order to be an 'Us' . 

Expectations also kill romance.  If your relationship is working, let it be.  You only need to adjust and correct changes as you both grow in the relationship. If you are still unhappy ask yourself what it is that you have that you don't want, and what is it you want that you don't have. Please don't ruminate.  Choose whether you want to accept a situation or not. Then let it go.

Don't do business with your partner; equality doesn't work in romance. He will see you as another competitor. If you still need to talk about business with him, set a time specifically for that.  When it's done go back to being feminine. Asking men for help can be appealing to them but only in little doses. 

If you are facing trouble in the relationship, don't wait until it's too late to be fixed.  Confront your partner in a healthy way but don't pretend the problem doesn't exist. That will only escalate any issues. Communication is love and without it there can be no love. 

Don't forget to take care of yourself and keep up your attractiveness.  Just because you are in a relationship doesn't mean the work is already done.  Your looks are a sign of whether you are taking care of your inner self or not. Don't lose it! You are the only thing that is guaranteed to stay with you to the end of your days. 

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