Sunday, October 14, 2012

What Can You Do When He Pulls Back?

What happens when after having been dating a guy for whatever period of time, he pulls back and stops calling you. For instance lets say you haven't heard from him in a couple of days.

What would be the right thing for you to do? In my experience with men and I am sure you are going to agree with me, when a guy stops contacting me, I start freaking out! I start to think that maybe he doesn't really like me or he might have found someone else or maybe something has happened to him, like an accident.

I would never think for a moment that maybe he has taken some time apart from me to digest the experience he just had. On many occasions I have found myself going after him. Thinking that maybe it is ok if I make the first move. Unfortunately, what I have found is that 95% of the time after chasing him, he will keep repeating same pattern for a prolonged period.

Finally after all my mistakes, I have learned that in order to have a man be interested in you, he needs the space to be free - he needs to be able to think things out. If in the process of him doing this, we chase him around, he will not have much to think about and he will automatically make up his mind that maybe we are not right for him.

Some women, on the contrary, will start to play games when a man pulls back. She will pretend to be more busy than she really is or will not take his calls when he comes around. For those women who think that a man will be more interested in you if you play with him or you try to torture him, I have some news: He will know your game right away and he will just start playing you right back.

If you want to find out how to get him coming your way. I will teach you the right way. I have helped a lot of women like you, to get it right.

For a Private Consultation email me at

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Love ...

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