Friday, September 28, 2012

What Fun Really Means For a Man?

The question is ...
Why do most women need a relationship? Why can't having fun be enough?

We women can pretend all we want that we can have fun with guys without being attached.
Unfortunately, this is not the case.
According to Helen Fisher, Ph.D.,  "fondling the genitals stimulates the production of dopamine - the brain chemical associated with feelings of intense romantic love."
So women, please remember that casual sex can lead to love. Think first before you choose to get physical.

For men... Fun and love are two different things...
A man in general wants your body first and maybe then he might think about romance and only then... love can follow.
Wait a moment! I thought men don't fall in love that easy?
Well, they fall for your body and they get addicted to your sex.
A man (not a Peter Pan) can only love YOU when he can give to you first... He can only appreciate the things that he works for. Look around you, how many successful people do you know who hasn't gone through a lot of  work? Nobody - unless they come from money.

How do we mix fun and love together? So men and women can be happy together?

Well women, here are a couple of tips:

- Be happy around him.
- Kissing and touching can be fun (don't have intercourse) I will tell you later why.
- When he tries to get physical with you, don't say "I am not ready". He will think you are just playing hard to get. Don't say "I want to be friends" either - he will feel rejected!
- Tell him how much you would love to be physical with him. Now here is the best part: are you ready...? Right after that, you can express not being comfortable with more intimacy because you will physically bonded with him.

Trust me, if you cross the line you might start thinking about marriage or having a family with him...!

love u all....

1 comment:

  1. Valentina Faltoni

    Nice Blog babe ... Really knowledgeable! Very inspiring too... Teaching woman how to say NO sound easy but is like empowering women. We all need that!!! You are an angel keep up this work. A lot of WOMEN NEED your messages and wisdom ! You only need to found the right exposure, media ... to get there! I will love to see a tv-show like this, books etc. You found a good market and there is need of this !
    4 hours ago · Like
