Questions About Relationship.
Break up issues.
How many times a day do I hear this comment made by some of my clients? I am going through a painful break up. How many of you, are familiar with this situation? The fact that the person you have been going out for quite sometimes decide to call it quit. However, they still want to have you around, they still want to call you as they wish, they still want to see you and have your support. And of course, They will still want it to have sex with you if you let them, why not right? weren't you guys lovers before?. BUT .... if you are thinking about getting the relationship back, Gosh forget about that one, because that it's not going to happen. They have already made it clear to you what they could or couldn’t offer and seriousness and compromise it is not in their agenda at least not with you.
So why its this happened to you? How could you avoid getting caught up in a situation like this? In which you are being dumped, in a situation in which you are agreeing to playing your ex own games. And why will he or she has been doing this to you? Fist able they are not really doing anything to you, you are the one doing it to you, you are the one accepting their rules, accepting their way of doing things that is actually working more for them than it it for you.
Why? Because you are helping them first to move on, you are letting them know that it is ok for them to walk out of the relationship as they wish and still have you around as the place called being still “ Friend “ while they get to find another more interesting person in their path and that person I don't think it is you since you are not really setting healthy boundaries around you, you are not being able to say No to that which is not acceptable. At least, that’s the message they are getting from you.
You are making him more important than yourself to the point of being willing to lose YOU. That to be honest doesn't sounds appealing to me, what do you think? Well, don't worry we all have been there at some point in our life so I understand how difficult it is to let thing go when there are feelings involve BUT sometimes we don't have a choice. Sometimes you know you MUST go. So, how do you get to set boundaries around you, to protect yourself from getting hurt again? What could you do? Well, I can help you find the way to let your ex know what you will or not do if they come around as " friend" while you, are dealing with the pain of having lost the relationship. I can walk you through the right steps to make sure that you get to do your 50% correctly. So, If you want to find out how you could turn things around I can give you the secret formula.
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