Friday, July 26, 2013

Advice on Relationships - Una Ruptura con Amor.

Mi pareja me ha dejado, como puedo recuperarla?

A nadie le gusta que le anden dejando, teniendo encuenta lo que supone no solamente el tiempo que hemos invertirdo en esa persona, pero además el sufrimiento a nivel personal por el que tenemos que pasar querramos o no. 

Para los que hayais visto mi video, ya sabeis que hay una manera correcta en la que  puedes hacer tu parte como Dios manda con el solo proposito de que no tengas remordimiento en el futuro.  Con el proposito de que por lo menos no sigas perdiendo tu integridad, que al final de cuenta es lo que cuenta. Que tú te sigas teniendo a tí. 

Como puedes hacer para atraerle de nuevo a ti?

Mucha gente cree que una ruptura significa que ya se acabo, lo que mucha gente no sabe es que hay una manera en la que puedes cambiar el rumbo de la 'relación" Como? con mi ayuda, yo puedo proveerte las herramientas necesarias para que tú puedas hacer tu parte correctamente. Muchas rupturas podrían evitarse, pero por desgracia muchas personas no saben como hacer cuando uno es abandonado lo cual es totalmente entendible. Con mi ayuda encotrarás las claves para no repetir la misma historia con diferentes personajes. 

Has visto algunos de los servicios que mi compañia proporciona?

Si de verdad quieres encontrar remedio a tu dolor, visita ami pagina de internet en el apartado de servicios, Ahí encontraras diferentes opciones desde consulta através de Skype asi como correo electrónico o en persona si te encuentras en Los Angeles (California). No dejes pasar esta oportunidad que te llevara a conseguir la felicidad tan esperada. Deja de sufrir YA! No te arrepentiras de lo que descubriras después de haber tenido una consulta conmigo. Te espero, 

Elena Burnett

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tarot Reader - Email Answers.

How To Find Comfort In The Middle of Chaos?

Everybody its dealing with romantic issues, everybody needs clarity, everybody needs to be understood but how many of us really get to be heard? Not many of us, since we are all busy playing our own life.

What's The Solutions Then?

If you have watched my video presentation you already know about my services. You already know that  I am here to help you out, I am here to give you clarity and show you what your options are, I am very good with what I do and I have been helping people just like you. You can now reach me out through email. You can get a reading and a dating or relationship consultation from the comfort of your home. How? But visiting my page and see some of the packages I offer at Now you don't have excuses, now you can find the answers you were looking for. My prices are very affordable, take advantage now!.

See you soon..

Elena Burnett

Tarot Reading Secrets - Find Powerful Insight.

Are you wondering about your future? Looking for answers about your dating life? It's your career working the way you want it? Will you ever see your ex again?. These and many other questions can be easily clarified for you. How? I have been working with tarot cards for years, I am also a relationship and dating specialist, what I have learned after many readings and many consultations its the fact that most people do not know what direction they should take in life, they don't even know whether their path its the right one for them. Sometimes, all that it really takes its for someone like me, someone that has been study relationship and dating issues for years to share with you some information that you might not have. Some information that might change your life for the better, like it did with mine.

Learn to surrender to another way of doing things.

I have myself made a lot of mistakes in my personal life as in my romantic one. I did learn with time that sometimes it is not so much about age what makes some people wiser than others. All it really takes its for you to have the right information, the right tools, tips and options so you can make better choices.

However, when we don't seem to see things in a different light, when we are not prepared to deal with what it's in front of us, then we stop growing, then we get stuck in our own cocoon without living room for the new to get in. I have myself being there on many occasions and I have felt confused in many occasions. The good news is that some of the mistakes I have made, were actually helping me getting closer to make the appropriate changes in me, my mistakes where teaching me to change my approach. How? By having the right teachers around. So, I want you to do the same, I want you to learn from those that are making a difference in their life by changing that which it is not working for you anymore. I want you, to surrender yourself by those that can show you the way, I want you to have the right mentors as I have done it myself too.

How to find clarity when you don't know where to start?

Clarify of mind, clarify of heart comes when we have options, when someone can show you that which you can't see, when someone can be honest enough to see things in a very neutral way.
I myself have been helping lots of people in their everyday issues, I do see how much guidance people needs as I also need it. I find answers to my challenges with my cards and my never ending studies about relationship and dating issues. I do know you can find it too, so I want you to find someone like me that can show you the way. Someone who can be there for you in a not judgmental way , someone that can give you empathy and the answers that will change your life. So I invite you to check some of my work and learn about what other people have to say about me and what I do. So please feel free to visit me at and I hope to see you soon.

For a private consultation about your relationship or dating issues, for a private tarot reading or email reading visit me at or check some of my videos

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Advice on Relationships - What Does He Wants?

Hello Everybody!

Welcome back to my blog. Today I will like to talk about this dilemma we all face from time to time. The anxiety of not knowing if this person, this wonderful human being we are so attracted to, find us appealing, whether this man likes us. I don't want to say the word "want  " because that's an invitation I don't want you to give him yet. At least, we don't want to give him the wrong impression. It is ok if he wants to be the one thinking about sexual desire since that's the first thing that will bring him close to you the fact that he likes what he sees.
I think with age I will say after 30's things start changing a little bit around this whole idea of romance and love. This fairy tale idea we like to imagine in our head of the perfect mate that is going to save us. With time we get to be less concerned about whether or not someone like us or not, we have nothing to prove anymore.  At least that's my case, in the past I used to worry and try all my best to look or be the best I could so the guy I was attracted to will be interested in me. So I understand this whole dynamic and dance about love. I am also still intrigued about how men and women interact with each other. That is why I love my job, that is why I love to help people in need of direction and clarification in their romantic life. My goal is to keep people together if there is love because the two of you since love it is not something that happen everyday. We don't get to fall in love as we wish, it just doesn't happen like that.

Well, What I did learn in all these years of melting and meeting people from all over the world its that most of us do have an idea of what we like in another person. Some people don't actually have a type, they just go with the flow and see... For others, we have a mental picture of how our " Dream girl or guy " should look like . We even keep choosing the same kind of partner. I myself have always had the same taste in men and I have always had great boyfriends too. However, I do see that youth gives us a lovely gift , in our early years we pretty much can have anyone we wish to have. Beauty comes with youth, so I will say that if you are young and are taking care of yourself just fine, the chances are that you'll have guys liking you easily.

Now, let's no go too far ahead in the game and start imagining the perfect wedding with this new guy. Let's be realistic. Lets first attract the guy toward us and that goes with the eyes, the first connection starts right there. You see, you MUST make yourself available so he can approach you. Remember, men hate rejection even though some of them won't take it personally,  for some it is kind of scary to put themselves out there and be rejected. Let's face it girls take balls to do it ( even though I already know tons of women who will make the first move ). However, let's focus on the game of attracting them to us because this is what this blog is about, about letting them lead.

So here its what you need to do.

- Look at his eyes for at least 5 seconds. ( no 3 quick seconds, Ok)


- Smile, smile, smile.

This is the sign he needs in order to approach YOU.  Very simple right?

In my experience with men in general, I can tell you that I have only had a couple of great connections. In few occasions I was just embarrassed to look at them in their eyes for more than 2 second for fears. Fears that they will see what was going on inside me.

 I do remember this young man who came into my life years ago for just a brief moment. I saw him just at a glance and Gosh that moment got me. I wasn't able to look at him straight again and the next day when I saw him in the same environment we were sharing at that time he came and said to me  " There is light coming out of you? " What's happening to you? I almost died right there. I knew he saw it. How could I possibly hide it? There was no way.... It was Magical! So I hope you get to experience something like that in your life at least one time. This life it's about those little moments we share with someone that make us feel special. Even if we don't get to see that person again, we know we've got a moment that will never die at least not in our memories.

For more information about my work or services visit me at or email me at

Monday, July 8, 2013

Advice on Relationships - Painful Break Up.

Questions About Relationship
Break up issues.

How many times a day do I hear this comment made by some of my clients? I am going through a painful break up. How many of you, are familiar with this situation? The fact that the person you have been going out for quite sometimes decide to call it quit. However, they still want to have you around, they still want to call you as they wish, they still want to see you and have your support.  And of course, They will still want it to have sex with you if you let them, why not right? weren't you guys lovers before?.  BUT ....  if you are thinking about getting the relationship back, Gosh forget about that one, because that it's not going to happen.  They have already made it clear to you what they could or couldn’t offer and seriousness and compromise it is not in their agenda at least not with you. 

So why its this happened to you? How could you avoid getting caught up in a situation like this? In which you are being dumped, in a situation in which you are agreeing to playing your ex own games. And why will he or she has been doing this to you? Fist able they are not really doing anything to you, you are the one doing it to you, you are the one accepting their rules, accepting their way of doing things that is actually working more for them than it it for you.

Why? Because you are helping them first to move on, you are letting them know that it is ok for them to walk out of the relationship as they wish and still have you around as the place called being still “ Friend “ while they get to find another more interesting person in their path and that person I don't think it is you since you are not really setting healthy boundaries around you, you are not being able to say No to that which is not acceptable. At least, that’s the message they are getting from you.
You are making him more important than yourself to the point of being willing to lose YOU. That to be honest doesn't sounds appealing to me, what do you think? Well, don't worry we all have been there at some point in our life so I understand how difficult it is to let thing go when there are feelings involve BUT sometimes we don't have a choice. Sometimes you know you MUST go. So, how do you get to set boundaries around you, to protect yourself from getting hurt again? What could you do? Well, I can help you find the way to let your ex know what you will or not do if they come around as " friend" while you, are dealing with the pain of having lost the relationship. I can walk you through the right steps to make sure that you get to do your 50% correctly. So, If you want to find out how you could turn things around I can give you the secret formula. 

Get an email relationship/dating reading now. You won't regret!

or visit me at

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Email Love Reading. Get The Answers You Need Now!.

Are you in the middle of a difficult love situation? Are you in pain? Are you looking for answers in your dating life? Does your relationship show signs of stagnation? What could you do about it? How could you find clarity and comfort? These questions can easily be addressed with a simple email reading.

Let me first explain you something, before we continued with how to get an email reading which also included a consultation and or solutions to your relationship and dating challenges. 

I know how hard relationship are as we all do, I have myself being frustrated and disappointed about men in many occasions without not knowing what to do, without having any direction or help in how to get it right. Nobody was there to show me the way, I was very confused, I was in pain, I was feeling empty and more than anything I was losing myself. So, I understand where you are right now because I have been there until I start making the right changes until I have learned what need to be done. So here it's what I did.

One, I start dedicating my life to study them, to study their development from 6 months in utero with the only purpose to understand the way they relate to us ( if they really ever do it) when dating or in a relationship. So I have dedicated 20 years of hard work, going through painful situations and learning from being around them , I even become a relationship and dating specialist, taking classes with the best doctors in this field . All because I could not understand why I was always getting disappointed , why I was always frustrated with them. Why I could never get the results I was expecting when relating to them. Soon right after I turn 41 everything start making sense. I wake up one day and BINGO, I start getting to understand in my body not just in my rational mind BUT in my bones what was all about. I start seeing why I couldn't get it right to start with, what I really need to do for once and for all.  Finally all my research, all my studies, all my experiences and all the men I happen to listen and learn from was about to click on me, the secret on how to get it right was about to reveal itself and I was ready

So, here I am now ready to help thousands of women and.... sensitive men to get their 50% correctly. this is the second reason I have dedicated my life to dig into the mind and the heart of men because I knew sooner or later I will be able to become the woman who could make a difference in people's heart by sharing and showing them how to do their parts in the right way.. So... if things between the two of you doesn't end up working, at least I knew I could help people from avoiding having regrets in the future and more important than that the fact that I will help you keep yourself, your integrity. This is what I do every day, helping people like you to be educated about how and what really means to do your 50% correctly.

So going back to my email love readings. Let me tell you one thing, this is probably the best approach for you if you are looking for immediate answers, if you are looking for the right info, the right tools, the right tips. This approach which is to say My approach works!. and all you need to invest it as little as $ 19 or $ 29 to get you in the driver seat. So hurry up and take advantage NOW!.

For more info about how to get your first AMAZING reading visit my page at You will get an answer in less than 48 hours no matter in which part of the world you happen to be living I will get to YOU

Elena Burnett