Today, I will like to talk about how to find guidance in your everyday life, for instant one thing I personally like to do with my cards, is to focus on a question earlier in the day and pull 3 cards. One thing I have learned about the cards and their magic, is that we no always going to find the answer to our preoccupations the way we want it. The cards have their own way. You need to trust their power, you need to trust their guidance. If you ask about romance and they are talking about money or mental blockages so then you know what the priorities for you that day should be according to the cards.
One thing I usually do after all my disappointment with my questions and not quite getting what I am expecting from them, it's just to let the cards reveal themselves to me in their own way. I let them show me what I need to know, what I have to work on. My own desperation sometimes makes me want more out of them and then I might put 3 more cards to see whether or not I am missing something. Well, I want to recommend you not to insist more than twice on getting an answer about the same questions, let them be for what they are at least for the moment.
Romance, its another area in which I myself have found a lot of great insight, I have seen through them whether or not someone was good or bad for me as well as their potential. However, I do want to make clear to all of you that doing a reading about relationships or dating it is not good enough if you are dealing with a situation where you have to make certain changes in order to get better results.
People want to believe that just because they had a great connection with someone, that might mean something else, when the cards don't show that to be the case I then know I have to use my relationship and dating tips and tools to help them see what the cards CAN'T show them. So, what is it that I am learning by mixing my cards with my studies in relationship and dating? Well, that if you are not ready to find out the whole truth about your situation then you won't get the best of it.
Come to me for a reading , come for advice on your relationship or dating situation with an open heart, with a heart that wants to get it right. Do yourself a favor so you can be in a better position you are now.
I will recommend you all, to read some of my testimonials and consultations about relationship and datinng challenges, so you can have a better idea about my work. Find out what is it about me and what I do that can help you out. You won't regret! and remember " My approach works! "
For information about some of the packages I offer in my consultations including Tarot reading. Please visit me at
My rates are very affordable so... you can have the opportunity to get some valuable information.
and remember.
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