Sunday, January 13, 2013

7 Signs He's Just A Booty Call.

How many times have you thought you have finally found Prince Charming and how many other times have you realized he was just not that into you? In the many mistakes I have made in my dating life,  I can tell you one thing, most of them could have been avoided. The signs were always really visible but for whatever reason (I think I was so desperate to find love, so desperate to make it right, that I would fantasize about romance and make up things in my mind about the guy), I was going to later find out that he was just using me.
If you want to get some control of your emotions and allow yourself to see thing for what they are, here is seven signs that will help detect when he is just using you.

1. He makes plans with you at the last minute. 
I understand that being spontaneous can be a lot of fun, however it can create a lot of chaos. If he was really interested in seeing you he would have planned ahead with you.

2. He only wants to see you in private.
Forget about going out in public places, he is too busy to do that with you.

3. He calls you late at night to come over.
He will play the sweet drunk guy and call you late in the night to play his luck.

4. You will hear from him once in a while. 
He will call you or text you when it is convenient for him. He will call you when he is in the area passing by.

5. He will lie about a possible future.
To get you keep on giving yourself to him, he will promise you a thousand things but he won't deliver.

I personally have gone through all these 5 signs with some men in my past. It took me time to realize what the whole thing was all about and how little I loved myself. Today I can finally laugh about it.

For a Private Consultation about your relationship and dating issues email me at ,

Elena Burnett
Relationship Coaching/ Expert For Women.

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