Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Secret To Keep The " Chemistry " Alive.

In my own experience, with the men in my life, I have learned that chemistry comes in different packages. I have met some men with whom I had great chemistry with in the first few minutes, to find out later on that they were just narcissistic, with some others the chemistry wasn't that intense however they had a bigger impact on me. In the long run, I know that chemistry can also deteriorate in the relationship, if we don't treat it properly.

Chemistry as most of us have experienced in our lives, is something that takes us over when it happens between two people, we feel as if we're in nirvana. The effect that it produces in us, can be easily compared with that of cocaine. Chemistry creates addiction, where we long for the person who has created or activated the arousing feeling in us. We long for the high.
The curious thing about chemistry is that we either have it or we don't. It is not something we can fabricate. Most of the time, chemistry will happen when we are around someone who happens to smell a little bit like mommy or daddy. I know it sounds weird, but it really makes sense, since the first people we get in contact with in our first years of life is our caregivers. This is why chemistry is so important in the first few minutes of interaction. Men usually are better at picking up on energy than women are. For women, it can take us few days before we can actually know that the chemistry was there. Once the chemistry has been recognized, it something that keeps growing between the people involved - the next step is to make sure we don't damage it. You see, chemistry doesn't really last forever, the Universe gives us a free ride that last about three years. Then if we haven't worked out the communication part of the relationship, we will probably start finding faults in everything the other person does.

Keeping the chemistry alive it is matter of knowing what you are doing, it is knowing that if you consummate the relationship too fast, you will kill the process of growing together. Moving with your partner will also kill romance in the long term. If you are already living with your sweetheart, there are a few things you could do in order to keep the flame. For more information, private consultation are now available, email me at and remember even though people think that chemistry is all they need. I will need to insist on the communication part as an important ingredient for a long lasting relationship.

Love u.

Ps and Remember "Knowledge is Power "

For more info visit me at
or email me for a Private Consultation about your Relationship or Dating issues at

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